Passengers 2016 online free full movie
Passengers 2016 online free full movie

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(In fact, I'm even having a difficult time deciding where to mention it in the body of this review.) Passengers is a great-looking movie that does not appear to have any discernible point of view on its material.ĭitto for the great-looking stars, neither of whom has ever been this uninteresting on film before.


There's a nifty, hair-raising effects sequence during which Lawrence is swimming when the ship's gravity simulator craps out, but it has so little to do with anything it could have been removed without changing the story in the slightest. He mostly hangs back here and lets genius cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto (who also shot Scorsese's Silence this year) go to town with 3D planes of action in the cavernous, luxuriously empty spaceship.

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But instead we've got Morten Tyldum, whose Academy Award-nominated direction of The Imitation Game was so anonymous I remain half-convinced his name might be an acronym for a committee of some sort. I spent most of the time wishing Roman Polanski had re-written and directed it. Passengers could have made for a brutal psychodrama about male entitlement.

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(Also hey, she looks like Jennifer Lawrence and it's not like she'll have any other options out here.) Of course viewers with even the tiniest scrap of morality realize that this is, for all intents and purposes, murdering her –or at the very least condemning her to the same purgatorial existence in which he suffers– but within the arc of the movie it's really not such a big deal and everyone moves on rather quickly, considering. He eventually becomes fixated on a sleeping beauty played by Jennifer Lawrence and dude gets the bright idea of sabotaging her pod and waking her up so at least he won't be alone anymore. Pratt wanders around in increasing despair for about a year or so, getting drunk with a robot bartender (the very amusing Michael Sheen) and growing a hilarious fake beard. Unable to fix it, he's destined to die alone on this giant, empty spacecraft before any of his fellow passengers so much as stir. Rotten luck for our hero, there's a malfunction in his pod and he wakes up about ninety years too early. Okay, for everyone still here: Chris Pratt stars as one of 5,000 intergalactic pioneers happily snoring away in hypersleep chambers on a 120-year-voyage to an off-world colony.

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There's no way to properly discuss Passengers without inciting the wrath of the Spoiler Police, so if you can't deal with plot details please close your browser right now and trust me that the movie sucks. But then thanks to either market research, cowardly execs or perhaps just filmmakers who are sociopaths, the pretty movie stars quickly get over it and live happily ever after. What happens in this movie is really, really horrifying. Majorly miscasting two hot young talents who I think we're all starting to feel like we've seen quite enough of for a little while, thanks – it's a $120 million science-fiction chamber piece hinging on an act of violation so monstrous it shatters the film into a thousand pieces. Passengers is the last what-the-hell-were-they-thinking debacle to be released in a year that's been lousy with them. The lesson of the Sony hack and all those leaked development emails –the ones I think I'm supposed to pretend I didn't read voraciously– is that when such large numbers are at stake, there's so much panicky meddling from so many micro-managers on so many executive levels that it's almost impossible for expensive blockbusters to *not* end up all pear-shaped and incoherent. The more I learn about how the industry operates these days, the more I come to the conclusion that at our current moment in Hollywood history, for a big-budget studio picture to turn out even halfway decent qualifies as some kind of goddamn miracle. Production:Columbia Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, Original Film, Company Films, Start Motion Pictures, LStar Capital, Wanda Pictures Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance, Science Fiction LaBar Jr., Conor Brophy, Kelli Pardo, Barbara Jones, Inder Kumar, Emma Clarke As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.Ĭast: Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne, Andy García, Aurora Perrineau, Kimberly Battista, Jamie Soricelli, Julee Cerda, Shelby Taylor Mullins, Marie Burke, Kristin Brock, Vince Foster, Kara Flowers, Kevin Tan, Robert Larriviere, Jeff Olsen, Ana Gray, Stephen M. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.Sinopsis :A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers.

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